FSBD publishes K-5 Elementary and 6-12 Secondary Catalogs on this website with new adopted material added each Spring. They list Florida State adopted instructional materials programs and many non-adopted programs. The catalogs are updated periodically and all prices and information are subject to change at any time without notice.

To view the catalogs, click the K-5 Catalog or 6-12 Catalog on the Home Page or below.

Note: To search for an item in the catalog, click CTRL + F and then type in your search term. If you are searching for an FSBD Code, please include dashes in your search.

Once the file is open, find a title or program by scrolling or paging through the document. Use the Find tool to enter an FSBD Code Number (with dashes) or a title name. You may also use the Acrobat Page tool to go to a page found in the Table of Contents and at the top of Page 1 of each catalog PDF.

To request a print catalog, send a note detailing the catalog(s) desired and your shipping address to orders@fsbd.com.

Free Teaching Materials
Many free teaching materials are available upon request with your order of student materials. The following symbols denote the ratio of free material to student books purchased.
Free 1:1 º Free 1:district - one time only
* Free 1:25 (or as specified) Special Ratio (See note with each title)
Free 1: teacher for Elementary # Free only with initial adoption and purchase (# is to the right of the symbol the first year and to the left each year thereafter.)
Free 1: teacher for Secondary
§ Free 1:school - one time only

Free 1:teacher is defined as a teacher of one or more classrooms of normal size not including special classes of small size. To receive free material with the symbol †, a ratio of 1:18 at Gr. K-3 and 1:22 at Gr. 4-5 must be met. To receive free material with the symbol ‡, a secondary teacher should have a full class appropriate for the subject and school size.

State Adopted Instructional Materials Appear In Capital Letters

You may e-mail customerservice@fsbd.com for assistance.